Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Crazy DVD Player Dude

This incident probably happened about a month ago. A skinny short white man came into the store and demanded that we give him his DVD player back. He had left it earlier after a return went bad. He said he had attempted to return the DVD player at 11. He had left to "get his receipt,". By this time is was 7 in the evening. Who leaves a DVD player that belongs to them at a store for 8 hours intentionally? Very fishy. On top of that he kept saying how he wasn't a "criminal". Who was calling him a criminal? Maybe the voice in his head. I of course made the mistake of saying, "Why did you leave it in the first place?" while the security guards were checking the tapes. This set him off. He was very fidigety to begin with but he started pacing, talking about how he knows someone who works for us and that he knows we can do the return. Well lo and behold when we got the confirmation that the DVD player was in fact his I couldn't do the return. He insisted that he knew better, still couldn't do it, he freaked out and left with the DVD player again in search of his receipt. All I have to say about this man is crack is whack.

1 comment:

  1. I worked at Target as my first job for about a year and a half. It never ceased to amaze me what kind of people would be returning stuff (I worked in returns/ "Guest service.")I spent a lot of time cooling people down after they couldn't return the 5th thing this year without a receipt. The general public sucks... get out quick!
