Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fake Fall

So this actually happened while I was working as a cashier. I do was doing my normal thing when out of the corner of my eye I see a very pregnant woman in flip flops slowly sliding to the ground. Well I didn’t know what to think of it, kind of odd I thought to sit in the middle of a pretty crowded walk way. So I asked her “are you ok?” and she responded in a rather annoyed way, “I’m 9 months pregnant and I just slipped, what do you think?” So at this point I’m not sure what to do, but I go and get my supervisor, and by this point this woman is making a scene. So it is the supervisors job to keep the person under control until the manager can get there and have them fill out paperwork. So by this point it is pretty damn chaotic around my register. It was discovered that there was a long trail of water starting at one end of the front of the store and ending at another. Someone had had a bottle of water and had slowly emptied it while walking. Kind of odd. Well anyway I filled out an incident report and things settled down. I didn’t hear anything more about it for a while, until I got a call from someone at corporate. Apparently this woman had filed a suit. Well from my perspective of the fall, and the odd trail of water, I would say that maybe she needed some extra money for junior.


  1. I loved reading your blog because I can completely relate to it. I work as a cashier at Target and deal with crazy customers all the time. I think that it's horrible that people are willing to do anything for money, including risking their unborn child's life.

  2. I love your blog. All the posts you've written so far are funny and interesting.

  3. I don't dought it. Some people are shady and shady people do shady things. Hopefully you dont get in trouble for this incident.
