Wednesday, September 9, 2009

VH1, VH1, What Have Ye Done

I don’t know how many people remember this, but VH1 was originally a music station. The basis of VH1 entertainment was forever changed with one show; The Surreal Life. If one thinks of the primetime programming on VH1 as a tree of sorts, The Surreal Life would be the base, spawning many branches. From the Surreal Life came My Fair Brady, and Strange Love. Here is where it gets really crazy, from Strange Love came Flavor of Love. Flavor of Love in my opinion is somewhat of a cult classic. Everyone has heard of it, everyone watched it even if they didn’t like it, you couldn’t look away; VH1 struck oil. Flavor of Love on its own had 3, count them, 3 seasons, and Flavor still didn’t end up with any of those women. From Flavor of Love came I Love New York, Charm School and Rock of Love. While Rock of Love wasn’t a direct spin off the concept was derived from Flavor. At this point I could continue the list, but I think we all get the point. Since when is it so hard to come up with a fresh idea? It's like they have created this never ending chain of shows. However I have to give them some credit, each show has been popular, and they have quite a following; which begs the question, will people watch whatever you put in front of them?


  1. I've never watched any of these shows, but I think if a show is a hit, any other show that's similar to the original will most likely attract the same audience.

  2. I completely agree that VH1 has had a never ending chain of shows which are all basically the same. They need to take a risk and air new ideas because I think eventually people will get bored of watching the same thing. You picked a good blog topic.

  3. This whole celeb-reality idea is a awkward one. I think that the reason for all of the recycled ideas, in VH1s case, is due to the fact that VH1 is making tons of money off the viewers that watch these shows. They have found an idea for television that, obviously, works. This is not a good thing, in my eyes, because people seem to live through these types of shows, placing them high on their to-do list. VH1 has found a great way to gain revenue and viewers and i think it is because of this that one continue to see these shows being aired. And no I don't think that people will watch anything that you put in front of them.

  4. I do remember when VH1 was a strictly music only channel. At the time, i thought they only played the lame music, so i reverted back to MTV (which now is actualyl worse than VH1 and reality TV) and the box. i gotta agree with Sean by believing people will not just watch anything on in front of them. Too many shows have been getting the axe.

  5. OMFG thank you! Fuck VH-1. It turned into such shit. I can respect the guy behind all of these shows (Cris Abrigo), but damn enough is enough. Thanks for the insightful and opinionated blog.
